Thursday, December 19, 2013

Tribal mask

Sorry this picture is sideways boys and girls plus teacher but anyway these masks took forever! it was such a long prosess to deal with suck as making the facial structure out of only paper and glue. once you had that then you needed the "skin" with more layers of paper and glue. About 3 to make it strong and solid. using paper and cardboard you add on your features and then add on more "skin" onv it is all dry then you can paint till your heart is content. you can also add beads if it suits your fancy. it may just take longer and cost more.

Group 2 point perspective landscape

In a group of 4 people we had to draw a cityscape with a 2 point perspective and for me it was actually pretty hard so I just mostly stuck to coloring and shading along with 2 of my other group mebers.
As you can tell this isnt the best landscape ever but it is okay.

overlaping circle

This project was pretty hard to do but we had to cut out a circle devide it up,cut out a piece and draw a design on it. once we did we cut out another circle and copy the picture on it using light once you had to flip the cut out piece over and once you are done you can color over it.

overlaping sissors

we had to trace sissors over laping each other and where ever a line ended then we changed the colors. as you might be able to tell that thos wasign my best piece of work but I still tried.

symetrical and asymetrical pictures

we had to create asymetrical and symetrical pictures using shapes. we also had to balance the pictures so it would make it look pleasing to the eye. symetrical looks exactly the same while asymetrical can look compleatly diffrent but can't out weigh the other picture.

Hand project

With this project we had to draw are initials such as sign language or a handskape dealing with our hands. As you might be able to tell I picked my intials. The project was actually pretty fin and as you can tell I got pretty creative with it. Just follow your heart and your hand and your picture will turn out great!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Shading project

The purpose of this project was to create value and contrast. You make it by printing out a picture then gridding it on the grid scale once it is all done with and you have your picture sketched out then you break up the picture by either lines,jagged edges, or swirls depending on what your picture is. It it has more straight lines then you use curved but if it is mostly curved then you use the straight. Once it is all broken up then you start to shade creating contrast to where you can see the picture.